Action Meetings

Meetings are organized by COST Action CardioRNA Management Committee (MC) in any COST Member State joining the network. They can be of different types, such as MC meetings, working group (WG) meetings, workshops, and conferences. They may be open to the broader community and provide opportunities to enhance the COST Action’s visibility. COST contributes to the travel and subsistence costs of the invited participants, and to the cost of organizing the meeting.


1st COST Action CardioRNA MC and WG Meeting

When: October 3-4, 2018
Where: COST Association, Brussels, Belgium


2nd COST Action CardioRNA MC and WG Meeting

When: February 13-15, 2019
Where: Faculty of Medicine, University of Lisbon, Lisbon, Portugal
Program Committee: CardioRNA Core Group, Prof Carmo-Fonseca, Prof. Francisco Enguita