Inclusiveness Target Countries (ITC) Conference grants

Conference grants for young researchers from Inclusiveness Target Countries (ITC) have recently been implemented. These grants help PhD students and early-career investigators from participating Inclusiveness Target Countries attend international science and technology related conferences that are not organized by a COST Action.

The Inclusiveness Target Country (ITC) Conference Grant supports PhD students and early career investigators from ITCs to attend international science and technology-related conferences that are not organized by the COST Action CardioRNA CA17129. The Grant is a contribution to the overall travel, accommodation and meal expenses of the selected Grantee.

Open call

Eligibility criteria

  • The applicant is either a PhD student or an Early Career Investigator (ECI). ECI is an individual who is within a time span of up to 8 years from the date they obtained their PhD.
  • The applicant’s primary affiliation must be an institution located in an ITC. The ITCs are as follows: Albania, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Estonia, Croatia, Hungary, Lithuania, Latvia, Luxembourg, Malta, Montenegro, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovenia, Slovakia, the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Republic of Serbia and Turkey.
  • The applicant must make an oral/poster presentation at the conference in question and must be listed in the official conference programme. The main subject of the oral/poster presentation at the conference must be on the topic of the COST Action CardioRNA and must acknowledge COST (see COST Vademecum Section 9).

How to apply

To apply for an ITC Conference Grant within the CardioRNA COST Action, please follow the steps below:

1. Submit an ITC Conference Grant request on e-COST up to 1 week after the notification of the abstract acceptance by the conference organizers. Please refer to the user guide (attached) on how to apply. The applicant will need to have a profile on e-COST (;
2. Send the following supporting documents to
2.1. Filled ITC application form (attached);
2.2. CV (max. 1 page);
2.3. Confirmation of acceptance from the conference organizers.

Evaluation process

If the Action’s budget allows, applications will be submitted for approval by the Core Group of the Action. Priority will be given to applications that support the objectives of the Action. Please see the Action’s Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) for details.


Each ITC grantee, shortly after the conference, must send a copy of their presentation/poster/paper to the Science Communication Manager of the Action, Dr Emma Robinson ( It will be then disseminated using the official CardioRNA website, social media, etc. Photographic material from the conference (e.g., the grantee with the CardioRNA and COST logos in the background) will be much appreciated.

After the conference, the successful applicants must submit a scientific report, travel documentation, and fee invoice (if applicable). The grant is only paid after submission of the requested information.