8th MC & WG meeting of the EU-CardioRNA COST Action, Pavia, Italy 25-27 May 2022
Thank you to all organizers, attendees and participants of the 8th MC & WG meeting of the EU-CardioRNA COST Action.
On 25 – 27 May 2022, over 80 CardioRNA members from 25 different countries met in the beautiful ICS Maugeri Congress Centre in Pavia Italy, hosted by Cardio Gaetano.
Highlights included keynote talks from President and President-Elect of the European Society of Cardiology Barbara Casedai and Silvia Priori, Giancarlo Forte and Gianluigi Condorelli and additional invited talks from guests Samir Ounzain, Yael Nossent, Christoph Dieterich, Artemis Hatzigeorgiou and EHMA’s George Valiotis. Not to mention being able to gather once again in person and enjoy a wonderful interactive poster session and reception, roundtable discussion and dinner together.
Check out the full final program here: Pavia Final Program 9
Thanks again to all the host, co-organizers, chairs, participants and attendees. Looking forward to seeing you again early next year!