Submit your Science: EU-CardioRNA Pavia 25-27 May 2022

The EU-CardioRNA COST Action Management Committee invites presenters to submit abstracts for posters for its 7th MC and WG meeting to be held in Pavia Italy in May 2022.
The abstract submitters will have the opportunity to present their abstract during the conference as poster together with a 3-minute oral presentation to a panel of judges to highlight the poster`s content. Poster prizes will be awarded at the close of the meeting and will include the opportunity to give an oral presentation at the subsequent EU-CardioRNA meeting
The deadline for submission of abstracts is 15th January 2022.
All selected presenters will have their travel and accommodation costs reimbursed to attend the entire meeting (following COST reimbursement rules as described in the last section of this document).
Participation is restricted to early-career investigators (< 8 years after PhD).
For full details on how to submit your abstracts: Pavia Abstract Submission Instructions FINAL