WG1: Regulatory function of the transcriptome

WG1 aims to identify novel non-coding RNAs (ncRNA) and characterize their regulatory functions in cardiovascular pathophysiology, including their interactions with protein-coding transcripts. One aspect that will be addressed is the difference of ncRNA expression according to gender.

The human transcriptome is composed of coding and non-coding transcripts. Among the non-coding transcripts, one distinguishes short ncRNAs and lncRNAs. The latter group is the largest and most diverse class of transcripts and exerts regulatory functions that ultimately control cell identity and behaviour. In particular, this regulatory layer integrates developmental and environmental cues to shape the various cellular responses implicated in development and disease. Although microRNAs have been extensively studied in the context of cardiovascular disease, lncRNAs need to be systematically investigated. A better understanding of their importance as regulators of the gene programs controlling the response to stress should allow identification of new targets for improving diagnosis and treatment.

WG1 will focus therefore on identifying novel ncRNAs and characterizing their regulatory functions in cardiovascular pathophysiology, including their interactions with protein-coding transcripts. One aspect that will be addressed is the difference of ncRNA expression according to gender. This WG will provide training in the various approaches and techniques that are used to probe and manipulate the transcriptome in order to study the role of ncRNAs in the cardiovascular system. To reach these goals, WG1 will be composed of clinical and basic scientists with different expertise ranging from epigenetics to systems biology.


WG1 Objectives

Analyse transcriptomics data to gain insights into the molecular mechanisms implicating RNAs behind CVD;
Discuss the specific roles of regulatory RNAs in cardiovascular homeostasis and disease;
Examine the importance of RNA partners (DNA, RNA, proteins) in RNA functions;
Identify research gaps in transcriptome analysis in CVD, and define future directions of study;
Organize meetings, STSMs and/or training schools to address these different topics.


WG1 Tasks

1) Review the current knowledge in RNA biology in CVD and identify research gaps;
2) promote ongoing research to determine the role of different types of RNA in CVD;
3) identify important research topics to be explored in the future;
4) organize WG1 meetings, STSMs and/or training schools;
5) provide progress reports for WG4.


WG1 Milestones

1) Initial meeting to define strategies for WG1;
2) focused meetings with network members;
3) WG1 meetings, STSMs and/or training schools.


WG1 Deliverables

1) Scientific publications and review papers stating WG1 main conclusions;
2) list of relevant research topics to be studied;
3) WG1 meetings, STSMs and/or training schools.