WG3: Development of cohort inventory

The primary goal of WG3 is to create an inventory of cohorts from healthy individuals and CVD patients to provide awareness of the available cohorts that can be used in research, thus, facilitating collaborations.

The main goal of WG3 is to create an inventory of cohorts from healthy individuals and CVD patients in order to provide awareness of the available cohorts that can be used in research, thus, facilitating collaborations. Such an inventory, with key characteristics of the cohort (paying particular attention to gender) and information on the principal investigator, will be made available to the public through this COST Action’s website and possibly through websites from other relevant organizations and institutions (e.g., Biobanking and BioMolecular Resources Research Infrastructure Directory, International Society for Biological and Environmental Repositories). Although potential ethical and Material Transfer Agreement issues regarding shipment of clinical samples between countries may arise, this is not within the domain of this Action.


WG3 Objectives

Create an inventory of available cohorts classified by CVD;
Generate a document detailing the cohorts’ main characteristics and principal investigators contact information.


WG3 Tasks

1) Gather information on current cohorts available for CVD studies;
2) create an inventory of the available cohorts suited for CVD transcriptomics studies;
3) make the inventory public through this Action’s website and other websites and media;
4) additional dissemination strategies, e.g. main publication to advertise the inventory;
5) organize WG3 meetings;
6) provide progress reports for WG4.


WG3 Milestones

1) WG3 meetings;
2) list of information about cohorts for CVD studies;
3) publication in various media of the generated inventory.


WG3 Deliverables

1) Document with an inventory of available patient cohorts classified by main CVD and with the principal investigators’ contact information;
2) publication of the inventory on the Action’s website and other media;
3) advertisement of the availability of the cohort inventory in major cardiology journals.